Controlling directional motor dc

anybody help me to example coding how to controlling directional motor dc with L298N module,
my idea is control directional DC motor with button in cayyene.
thanks and sorry for my bad english

which device are you using to control the motor and connect to cayenne?

I use arduino mega and esp8266 (01) but finally i was found the some reference for this problem. I really appreciate if you help me to add new references coding for this problem. Thanks

to start with, follow this tutorial and get your dc motor working with arduino
then run this code Cayenne-MQTT-Arduino/ESP8266Shield.ino at master · myDevicesIoT/Cayenne-MQTT-Arduino · GitHub and get your arduino connected to cayenne.
Once both are working you can add a buttons to cayenne dashboard and add the dc motor code.

Thanks bruhhh, finally i found spesific and detail explained about this.