A week ago my Cayenne (Raspberry pi 3 B) project was working just fine. I came back to it a few days ago and most everything has gone haywire… I have an 8 channel relay connected (was working fine) a DS18B20 1W temp sensor X 3 (all were working fine).
The only things that are working now are the DS18B20 sensors. I can control the relays fine with Python code, so I know it works. I have started with a fresh install of Raspbian and Cayenne on the pi and still nothing. I can add a Relay to the dashboard but it shows “unavailable”.
In the GPIO section of the web and IOS dashboard I cannot change any of the GPIO pins Input / Output state and cannot see the state. When I hover over the gray box the curser changes but not able to change anything (Safari 10.03. and Chrome 56.0).
It seems like I got a new version of the IOS Cayenne app around that same time…
Thanks in advance for your help