GPIOs not working

Hello, I have small problem with after adding a relay widget, the GPIOs on my dashboard blank out and do not display any info, also when i go to the settings of said relay widget the GPIO channel is set to some unknown Dev:MG7wv3n something. I’s sure it is something i’m simply overlooking but cant figure it out. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, Thank you

Jessy full

can you direct message me your email_id, so i can test out the issue at my end.

at my end it is working fine

which browser are you using?

I just added a relay, check it out now. I’m using chrome, also the mobile app has the same symptom. Thanks,

i checked again and there is no issue.

Ok, thank you very much, one last question: In the past i thought i remember that the device channel would display the GPIO pin that the device was using and now it says dev:9K… is that normal? It was always convenient to look at to see if wired correctly. Thanks, Mike E

Is your GPIO tab issue fixed?

It’s just a unique ID to identify a sensor/actuator device. Similar to a channel number, but using a string instead. you can find the matching GPIO pin info in the /etc/myDevices/devices.json file.
On web dashboard noting much can be done to identify the GPIO. we will take this into later to show the channel on web dashboard,

Not fixed. Cayenne use to work so well before I had to update and reconnect my raspberry pi. My relay and temp sensor either don’t work or very slow to turn on relay or display correct temp on the dashboard. For example the temp sensor should read in the low 70s, but stuck on 32. Every time i connect a device, i need to log out and back into Cayenne to get the GPIO info to show back up on dashboard.

Is there anything else I can try? Cayenne is very awesome software and would love to get it back up and going.

i tried again to produce the GPIO issue with your account at my end but no success. what is the version of the Google Chrome you are using? Also i cannot see the temp sensor and relay widgets on your dashboard.