Helium Integration - No Data

First time myDevices user. I am utilizing helium network. I create the integration in helium console and then am able to add device to myDevices, but no data comes across. Is there any identifier that needs to be entered somewhere to connect them other than the DEV EUI?

can you private message me the Deveui.

can you share a screenshot of the dashbaord.


I have the same problem here, I have done everything indicated at Cayenne Docs but no data comes across.

Best Regards

share the deveui and a screenshot of your dashbaord.

I’m having the same issues. I have data populating in the Helium Console and the devices are sending packets but the data is not displaying on myDevices

I have the same issue, 2 datatrackers that I use for mapping on mapper.helium.com send data and are visable on the map, but after creating a link in the console to Cayenne, I don’t see data passing on the cayenne dashboard.
I must be missing a step, I think there is no need in the helium console to put a Function in Between?

follow this steps to add cayenne integration in the helium console Cayenne Docs

I have the same problem right now. But I have a custom device so I followed these steps (Cayenne Docs). Helium says the data is sent to the integration but I dont get any data in my Cayenne dashboard? Does someone has a solution? thx

can you share the DevEUI

Has there been a resolution to this? Trying to add a Dragino LoRaWAN Water Leak Sensor with no luck. Can see it is sending packets in the Helium Console, but nothing comes through on MyDevices

Same here. Is there a resolution yet?

Seeing the same issue too. Shramik, can you please post what you found when others reported the issue?