Help ! "Failed to restart webiopi.service: Unit webiopi.service failed to load: No such file or directory"?

Hello everyone,

I have just installed Cayenne onto my Raspberry Pi via the Cayenne Raspberry hardware device selection however after doing this every hour l am receiving the following email message reported by Cron

myDevices is running.
webiopi is not running … failed!
Failed to restart webiopi.service: Unit webiopi.service failed to load: No such file or directory.

As mentioned, l running the latest Raspberrey Pi 2 and are able to view the dashboard widgets which shows my RPi CPU, RAM and Storage information.

I have also ran ‘ps aux | grep -i web’ to verifiy that the webiopi service is running which it appears that it is from the following returned output: root 19066 0.0 0.1 4192 1880 pts/0 S+ 10:20 0:00 grep -i web

It would nice to have this error message gone

Thanks in advance

Hi @carnsew,

Welcome to the Cayenne Community. Can you show me the output from service webiopi status on this device? I’m not sure if I’m convinced it’s running from the output you posted above.


Thanks for reaching out to me, l have ran the command and have attached a screenshot showing the output below





Apologies, while our forum lets you respond to posts with email as you did here, it eats any attachments, so I can’t see your screenshot. When you have a free moment, either log on to post it or email it to me at, and I’ll have a look.