Help Form the Cayenne Roadmap!

Hello Cayenne Community!

Please let us know what features are most important to you, and what new devices you would like Cayenne to support next. This is your opportunity to have a direct influence on where Cayenne goes! All participants will be entered to win a $100 Amazon gift card. Thank you!

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Hello it would be really great if there was some sort of a macro system and timed events

Add > New > Event is going to keep me very automated and entertained for a while :smiley:
~ Andrew

We’re still making sure the release is stable. I will be posting release notes too…P.S. check out Celsius option in the Settings for a widget :slight_smile:

So far so good…
I installed a fresh Pi B+ a few minutes ago
What do the slider Min Max settings do to the plot ?
~ Andrew

This will likely be updated, and may even move location where it’s more intuitive as to what it does. (Case and point…you asking this question). But, it affects the slider used in triggers statements. For example, it will allow you to trigger based off of negative Celsius temperature values. We will also be deploying something similar to Servo sliders where you can set the range for more rotation of the servo.