Have mercy, i’m new to everything.
In my first attempt, I’ve installed multiple instances of the same extension, but cant find how to delete them.
Thanks for any advice.
rpi 3; chrome desktop;
Have mercy, i’m new to everything.
In my first attempt, I’ve installed multiple instances of the same extension, but cant find how to delete them.
Thanks for any advice.
rpi 3; chrome desktop;
and 2) Shouldent the installed extensions show up in the left column?
Unfortunately there isn’t any way to remove extensions yet, but it was brought up before. Bug Filed on 01-04-2016: PCA9685 Bug
The toolbar on the left is only for sensors. If you make a widget for something on the extension then you will see it show up there. In your case a digital in/out widget would show up for that extension. Just pick the correct source when setting it up.