Hi! I’m Neoxelox and I will show you how to control ANY device such as: Lamps, coffeemakers, TVs… With Cayenne IoT.
We need:
Cayenne Account
Male Plug
Female Plug
Large Wire
Jump Wires (for the relay)
Relay (Mine is KEYES relay)
Ethernet Arduino Shield (Mine is W5100)
Arduino (Obviously)
- STEP 1: Cut the Wire
Cut the Wire to get the copper wires
Finally result:
- STEP 2: Connect the Wire to the Male Plug
Connect any of the both Copper Wires to any of the Male Plug Connectors. Then screw it very strong and mount the Male Plug.
Finally result:
-STEP 3: Connect Copper Wires to the Relay
Connect the Wires like that;
One copper wire —> First relay hole
Second copper wire —> to one of the Female Plug copper wires
One of the Female Plug copper wire —> Second relay hole
Screw it very strong!
- STEP 4: Connect Relay to Arduino
Connect Relay to Arduino board using Jump wires or with a breadboard.
Relay / Arduino
pin “+” —> pin 5V
pin “-” —> pin GND
pin “S” ----> any digital pin (mine 6)
- STEP 5: Connect the Arduino to the internet and start using Cayenne
For this project you would need a Cayenne Account (Keep Calm is free :D)
So after doing a account at http://www.cayenne-mydevices.com/ , go to your dashboard and select the relay module and modify it as you see in the picture (obviously change the digital pin to your digital pin where is the relay connected). Press “ADD”.
- STEP 6: Finally connect any device to the Female Plug
Connect ANY device you want to the Female Plug… And its done!!! You can control the device you connected with the cayenne app now!! Hope you like it!