Install cayenne throw my app if change the password default of pi user

If installed my raspbian in my raspberry and before change the default password of my default pi user and set other to remove security problems. And them, can I installed cayenne throw my app???

If i change my default pi password, how cayenne has the capacity to install any software in my raspberry remotely??



Weclome to the Cayenne community!

Yes, you should be able to install Cayenne. What should happen is you will be asked for your default Pi username and password before Cayenne gets installed.



So I must install cayenne throw my mobile app before change any default password on my raspberry, because the mobile app use this default account (pi/raspberry) to install remotelly cayenne, isn’t it??


Cayenne should ask you for the password when you install, if it’s not pi/raspberry. Let us know otherwise?


We’ve made several updates to the Cayenne Android app, let us know if you are having issues with the password. Thanks!
