I’m having problems trying to get Cayenne installed on RPI3. I am a Noob and had no issues with RPI2 but now with the SSH, I am having real difficulty. Is there a tutorial on getting it to work and getting the key?
I have used their video tutorials before: Videos - Developer | myDevices.com
Those tend to be very good
Thanks for the link, I appreciate it. I did find the problem ( Or I think I did anyway). For whatever reason, Cayenne did not “want” to install on the RPI3 until I went into the Raspi Config and changed the password to something more complex. Once I did that, it took right off. Not entirely sure if that was THE issue since I also did a clean install again just to make sure something wasn’t buggered up on my end.
thank you for your response.
You can install Cayenne by ssh terminal.
go to raspi-config and switch on ssh connection by Advanced Options.
Then install Cayenne on Raspberry Pi by terminal.