Problem with Installing cayenne to raspberry pi from PC

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I’m having problem to install cayenne on raspberry pi using the PC over ssh using the following commands:

sudo sh


  • Raspberry model A+
  • Web

Thanks in advance.

Hi @erickjbarbosa,

Welcome to the Cayenne Community!

So this is a little odd, I can see that the wget command is failing here because that file isn’t on the server, but I wouldn’t have expected you to be served a URL on (I would expect here).

I’m going to investigate quickly with our team, but may I ask if you got those commands from the ‘Option 2’ section when trying to add a Raspberry Pi while logged into your Cayenne account? If so, what login page did you use? If not, where did you get those commands?


Thanks for the response, i get from the youtube video (image attached)

I try to install from the mobile app and the app stay on step 3 for more
than 20 minutes, doesnt continue.

Ah, that’s how you got that URL. If you follow what @rsiegel said you should be able to get the correct URL from your dashboard. That file you are downloading is unique to you so you can’t use the one from the video.


Its true sorry, i do that and still in a loop and doesnt


Its true sorry, i do that and still in a loop and doesnt

adam Leader
November 16

Ah, that’s how you got that URL. If you follow what @rsiegel said you should be able
to get the correct URL from your dashboard. That file you are downloading
is unique to you so you can’t use the one from the video.

got those commands from the ‘Option 2’ section when trying to add a
Raspberry Pi while logged into your Cayenne account?

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In Reply To
November 16
Hi, Thanks for the response, i get from the youtube video (image
attached) I try to install from the mobile app and the app stay on step 3
for more than 20 minutes, doesnt continue. [image]

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Erick J. Barbosa CruzSr. Software Developer
787-538-6046 <787-538-6046>


Sorry for the incomplete email, Its true sorry, i do that with the new
command and still in a loop and doesn’t end. i attach the image of the


Im expand the sd on raspberry pi and still the same problem installing
python. Any help with this? I need to install python first?

Generally when we’ve seen that python error, it’s that you have an out of date build of Raspbian. Please try the following commands, then try Cayenne installation again:

sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get dist-upgrade sudo apt-get install python3.4 sudo apt-get -f install


Now it works, on this order.

sudo apt-get -f install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install python3.4

Thanks for all the help and patience.

Glad to hear it Erick, thanks for letting us know!

I am having a similar problem. I have run this set of commands on a recent Raspbian Lite install a couple of times, but still stall at the Python build. Does it need to be Raspbian (Jesse) full?

sudo apt-get -f install
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo apt-get install python3.4

The error I get is

Mon 21 Nov 06:24:28 UTC 2016 Installing software components
Mon 21 Nov 06:24:29 UTC 2016 Trying to install myDevices for python3 version: Python 3.4.2
Mon 21 Nov 06:24:30 UTC 2016 Build for Python 3.4.2 failed\n

Any ideas?

Fails for me too :
/home/pi/myDevices-1.0/ line 353: 11112 Illegal instruction $python install --force --record “${uninstallpath}/installed_agent”