It stopped on "Waiting for board to connect...“

Hello, here is a question from a beginner.
I’am using an Arduino UNO board, I followed the steps, and at the Step 3: Connect your Arduino, I chose “Serial USB connection”, for copying the code to Arduino IDE and successfully uploaded. It stopped moving forward and kept showing "Waiting for board to connect…“, It has been lasting for half an hour, should I keep on waiting, or there is something wrong with setting?
Thank anyone who is willing to offer help.

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Hi @595773256,

It should not take that long to connect. There may be an issue with how the serial USB connection is set up. I would recommend searching through this forum for some help that other people have received for using serial USB connection. Since I’m not sure exactly what issue may be, I can only be of so much help. Feel free to post the code you are using. Can you let me know if you are able to get online?



@595773256 as @bestes said some output from your device would be helpful in determining the cause. When you start the USB Modem script what are you seeing in the output there?

COM1 not found, or may be busy.
Select serial port [ ~1 ]: com8
Connecting device at com8 to
OpenC0C(“\.\com8”, baud=9600, data=8, parity=no, stop=1) - OK
Connect(“”, “1883”) - OK

see, I have the same problem

can you share the code you are using?

This example shows how to connect to Cayenne using a Serial USB connection and send/receive sample data.

The CayenneMQTT Library is required to run this sketch. If you have not already done so you can install it from the Arduino IDE Library Manager.

This requires the use of the Serial USB connection so you cannot use the Serial device for
printing messages. If you need to print you can use SoftwareSerial and connect another device
to read messages via the SoftwareSerial pins.

In order for this to work you must run the connection script on the machine the Arduino is connected to.
The scripts are located under the extras\scripts folder in the main library folder. This redirects the traffic
from the Arduino to the Cayenne server.

1. Set the Cayenne authentication info to match the authentication info from the Dashboard.
2. Compile and upload this sketch.
3. Launch the connection script as described below for Windows or Linux/OSX.

  1. Open the Windows command line (cmd.exe)
  2. Navigate to the scripts folder by typing "cd [path]", e.g.  "cd C:\Users\[YourUserName]\Documents\Arduino\libraries\CayenneMQTT\extras\scripts"
  3. Run the script by typing "cayenne-ser.bat -c COM4" (where COM4 is the Arduino serial port) and hitting Enter

Linux and OSX:
    ./ (may need to run with sudo)
You can specify port, baud rate, and server endpoint like this:
    ./ -c <serial port> -b <baud rate> -s <server address> -p <server port>

    For instance :
      ./ -c /dev/ttyACM0 -b 9600 -s -p 1883

    Run -h for more information

    Be sure to select the right serial port (there may be multiple).

  Do not use Serial to display any output in this sketch. It will interfere with the Serial
  USB connection. When uploading sketches the Arduino IDE may complain with "programmer is
  not responding" or "Access is denied." You will need to terminate the connection script
  before uploading new sketches since it blocks access to the Serial port. Also make sure 
  the Serial Monitor is disabled in the IDE since that can prevent the Arduino from 
  connecting to the Windows/Linux/OSX machine. If you use Visual Micro for Visual Studio make
  sure Automatic Debugging is disabled. Otherwise the Serial Monitor can interfere with the
  Serial connection.

#include <CayenneMQTTSerial.h>

// Cayenne authentication info. This should be obtained from the Cayenne Dashboard.
char username[] = "";
char password[] = "";
char clientID[] = "";

void setup()
  //Baud rate can be specified by calling Cayenne.begin(username, password, clientID, 9600);
  Cayenne.begin(username, password, clientID);

void loop() {

// Default function for sending sensor data at intervals to Cayenne.
// You can also use functions for specific channels, e.g CAYENNE_OUT(1) for sending channel 1 data.
  // Write data to Cayenne here. This example just sends the current uptime in milliseconds on virtual channel 0.
  Cayenne.virtualWrite(0, millis());
  // Some examples of other functions you can use to send data.
  //Cayenne.celsiusWrite(1, 22.0);
  //Cayenne.luxWrite(2, 700);
  //Cayenne.virtualWrite(3, 50, TYPE_PROXIMITY, UNIT_CENTIMETER);

// Default function for processing actuator commands from the Cayenne Dashboard.
// You can also use functions for specific channels, e.g CAYENNE_IN(1) for channel 1 commands.
  //Process message here. If there is an error set an error message using getValue.setError(), e.g getValue.setError("Error message");

I am using the arduino Mini Pro (Atmega168).
compiler inadequate space, memory warning does this situation interfere with the connection?
I got the same result I tried at two different pc’s.

which port is your arduino connected?

From the serial output there it looks fine. Did the board not connect to the dashboard?

com8 serial

connecting, waiting :frowning:

can you try by adding a new device on your dashboard and adding the new device credential into the code.

I’ve tried.
thanks, no connects, waiting :frowning:

can you PM me your email_id,

Same problem, Arduino Uno - did you find a solution?
Sorry, need to add that I can telnet port 1883 on the server, BAUD rate is set to 9600, firewall is off and I have selected a second Uno.
Any assistance appreciated.

can you try adding #define CAYENNE_DEBUG in the code and see what is the output of the serial monitor.