cool!. but how can i create a iot solution that include a multiple users to use an app created from you?. and how can i create an own app?. sorry but i am new on this platform but i want to create solutions with you.
go through both the link i shared above.
ok, thanks you so much for your help!! i really apreciate it
hello shramik, i have a question for you. how can i get the QR code of a project that im building on the cayenne dashboard? and how can i set a multiple access of users to my dashboard?
Why do you need the QR code?
You share your project to mutliple users, create a new project by clicking on +
on the cayenne dashboard. Add the widgets for your dashboard from the device. Then click on the share option and generate the share link. Share this with the users you want to share the project with.
got it. i have another question. i want to create a multiple alarm system, where each one have a button to activate it. but everyone can see the gps position of the alarm on the dashboard. i dont know if you can understand my idea. thanks
this is possible and simple as to adding a button to the dashboard.
this is not possible.
how can i develop something like that? do you have any suggestion?
well, on your device you need to send first a cayenne LPP actuator data type to create a button widget. then you will have to handle the downlink packet from cayenne.