My Arduino UNO with an Ethernet Shield W5100 is not Connecting to Cayenne

My Arduino UNO with an Ethernet Shield W5100 is not Connecting to Cayenne.

The device has an IP address assigned, however it does not seem to be able to communicate with Cayenne.

[0] MAC: FE-9B-A6-DD-EF-EC
[0] Getting IP…
[5526] My IP:

Please, help.

What code you are using?

The code that I got for my UNO board from Cayenne’s website…

Do you have a static IP or DHCP for Arduino?

I am using DHCP. I am also able to ping the Ethernet shield from my PC.

Do you have any firewalls blocking port 8442? From your PC try to telnet to the port as in the directions here Troubleshooting Pi Showing Up as Offline in Dashboard

Change the command to telnet 8442

Edited the screenshot to hide your private token so no one adds anything to your account :slight_smile: