Look like via web mydevices dashboard not working , no data and can’t get actual data or devices working .
And via my phone apps , notting working , can’t loggin…
Look like via web mydevices dashboard not working , no data and can’t get actual data or devices working .
And via my phone apps , notting working , can’t loggin…
confermo, gia segnalato piu volte, sono ancora in attesa di risposta da stamattina alle 8
@normand_lab and @Massimotruglio83 can you brief on what exactly is the issue you are facing.
L applicazione da cellulare,da piu account in mio possesso, rimane a “caricare” come da immagine allegata
what about web dashboard?
la dashboard web tutto funziona in maniera corretta.
ho provato con piu account e da piu dispositivi, e da piu connessioni
okay. so the issue is only with mobile app and not web dashboard or issue with devices sending data?
si hai ragione,
il proble del invio dati era di ieri il problema. oggi solo app da dispositivo mobile
Same issue for me on mobile.
Is just staying… on Device tab showing no devices and on projects shows the project but nothing when choose any project.
we are looking into the issue and will let you know when it is fixed.
No more access to cayenne on mobile. Always indicated (Servor error)
On pc I have access to my devices and data, but no longer possible to add a new Device or widget.
On the add page is always noted: Please fix the following errors:
Please turn on the device.
thank you very much Robert
I have the same issue. Cayenne doesn’t work on Android. On PC I can log in and it works properly.
sono circa due giorni che è offline il server per app android… sono a conoscenza e lavorano per noi
it look that on Desktop version is working, but Android mobile phone still not working
any update?
we are working on fixing the issue and will let you know when it is fixed.