I can send message from my Omega Onion2 by using mosquitto.
install mosquitto by typing in Omega Onion2 terminal
opkg update
opkg install mosquitto mosquitto-client libmosquitto
Use this command to publish on Cayenne Dashboard a message
mosquito_pub -h mqtt.mydevices.com -i “client_id” -u “username” -P “password” -t v1//things//data/1 -m “message”
You can substitute “client_id” “username” and “password”. After you can put a value on “message” field
You also can create a python program that send a value for 5 times:
import time
from subprocess import call
while True:
for i in range(0,5):
call('mosquito_pub -h mqtt.mydevices.com -i “client_id” -u “username” -P “password” -t v1//things//data/1 -m '+ str(i), shell=True)
except (EOFError, SystemExit, KeyboardInterrupt):