Payload formats from TTN - Do I need to specify LPP?

This is a side question from another topic. If the sensor that I’m using passes data in LPP, does it matter whether or not I select LPP in the application payload format? The difference in the payload is shown below. The actual raw payload is the same (OK, not identical, since it was two sequential transmissions with different payload settings), so is there an advantage to using one over the other?

If I say “custom” but don’t do anything, I get
“app_id”: “rak7200-application”,
“dev_id”: “rak7200-1”,
“hardware_serial”: “60C5A8FFFExxxxxx”,
“port”: 2,
“counter”: 4,
“payload_raw”: “CAIBdwNxA/8AEv/hBYYAKwC3AAAJAv3VCgLxeAsCD6UGcwAAAmcAAA==”,
“metadata”: {
“time”: “2020-03-04T20:32:02.77772393Z”,
“frequency”: 905.1,
“modulation”: “LORA”,
“data_rate”: “SF7BW125”,
“coding_rate”: “4/5”,
“gateways”: [
“gtw_id”: “eui-0016c001ffxxxxxx”,
“timestamp”: 3603483994,
“time”: “”,
“channel”: 6,
“rssi”: -34,
“snr”: 13.5,
“rf_chain”: 0
“downlink_url”: “

If I say LPP, I get

“app_id”: “rak7200-application”,
“dev_id”: “rak7200-1”,
“hardware_serial”: “60C5A8FFFExxxxxx”,
“port”: 2,
“counter”: 2,
“payload_raw”: “CAIBdgNxBAcAEf/eBYYAKgDAABAJAv17CgLyOwsCD/8GcwAAAmcAAA==”,
“payload_fields”: {
“accelerometer_3”: {
“x”: 1.031,
“y”: 0.017,
“z”: -0.034
“analog_in_10”: -35.25,
“analog_in_11”: 40.95,
“analog_in_8”: 3.74,
“analog_in_9”: -6.45,
“barometric_pressure_6”: 0,
“gyrometer_5”: {
“x”: 0.42,
“y”: 1.92,
“z”: 0.16
“temperature_2”: 0
“metadata”: {
“time”: “2020-03-04T20:26:34.64688186Z”,
“frequency”: 904.9,
“modulation”: “LORA”,
“data_rate”: “SF8BW125”,
“coding_rate”: “4/5”,
“gateways”: [
“gtw_id”: “eui-0016c001ffxxxxxx”,
“timestamp”: 3275343906,
“time”: “”,
“channel”: 5,
“rssi”: -36,
“snr”: 13.8,
“rf_chain”: 0
“downlink_url”: “

if you device is sending data in cayenne LPP datatype then, cayenne can recognise the data forwarded by TTN. you just need to add the cayenne mydevice integeration.

I’m not sure that answers my question. The device is clearly sending in the LPP. Is there any difference, as far as Cayenne is concerned, between the format provided using the “Custom” vs “LPP” payload formats?

w.r.t to your other topic post, not sure how you are getting this from the “CAIBdgNxBAcAEf/eBYYAKgDAABAJAv17CgLyOwsCD/8GcwAAAmcAAA==” it is clearly not cayenne LPP data type.

what do you mean by custom?