Raspberry Pi not working any more


My setup is working over year…

But now i cant control raspberry outputs.

I have two outputs.

One is working but other is not.
I tried to make new buton, but still nothing.

Weird is working channel is now named dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww but it is 20
And not working channel is dev:nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv but it is 12
If i made new button and put cannel 12…did not work.

It’s just a unique ID to identify a sensor/actuator device. Similar to a channel number, but using a string instead.
can you remove your widget from channel 12. run the following command in your pi terminal tail -f /var/log/myDevices/cayenne.log and check the log file. now add the widget for channel 12 and turn ON/OFF the widget. you can share the entire log for this process.

I cant turn cannel 12 off. Agter turning it on…it just keep spinning (button)
At the end i turned channel 20 on and off.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ tail -f /var/log/myDevices/cayenne.log
2019-02-07 17:48:11 - myDevices - INFO - Checking for rttKJGKpvHwvLww in dict_keys()
2019-02-07 17:48:11 - myDevices - INFO - Sensor found: {‘origin’: ‘rest’, ‘class’: ‘LightSwitch’, ‘type’: [‘DigitalActuator’], ‘args’: {‘last_state’: 0, ‘gpio’: ‘GPIO’, ‘invert’: True, ‘channel’: 20}, ‘device’: <helper.LightSwitch object at 0x75927cd0>, ‘functions’: {‘GET’: {}, ‘POST’: {}}, ‘description’: ‘Valgustus õues’, ‘status’: 1}
2019-02-07 17:48:11 - myDevices - INFO - ok,99703
2019-02-07 17:48:11 - myDevices - INFO - ExecuteMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘85792’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv’, ‘payload’: ‘0’}
2019-02-07 17:48:11 - myDevices - INFO - SensorCommand: value, sensor nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv, channel None, value 0
2019-02-07 17:48:11 - myDevices - INFO - Checking for nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv in dict_keys()
2019-02-07 17:48:11 - myDevices - INFO - Sensor not found
2019-02-07 17:48:11 - myDevices - INFO - error,85792=Sensor command failed
2019-02-07 17:48:13 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘name’: ‘Valgustus õues’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘value’: 0, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’}]
2019-02-07 17:48:14 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 55.7}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 68.218}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 561860608}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 4805939200}]
2019-02-07 17:48:28 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘name’: ‘Valgustus õues’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘value’: 0, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’}]
2019-02-07 17:48:29 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 45.0}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 67.68}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 561590272}]
2019-02-07 17:48:29 - myDevices - INFO - Checking for updates…
2019-02-07 17:48:43 - myDevices - INFO - OnMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘0EwxFFtJMMEKD2G’, ‘channel’: ‘12’, ‘payload’: ‘1’}
2019-02-07 17:48:43 - myDevices - INFO - ExecuteMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘0EwxFFtJMMEKD2G’, ‘channel’: ‘12’, ‘payload’: ‘1’}
2019-02-07 17:48:43 - myDevices - INFO - Unknown message
2019-02-07 17:48:43 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘name’: ‘Valgustus õues’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘value’: 0, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’}]
2019-02-07 17:48:44 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 47.0}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 67.68}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 556613632}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 4805943296}, {‘sys:net;ip’: ‘’}, {‘sys:net;speedtest’: 1.444663953106208}, {‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’: 0}] + sys:gpio
2019-02-07 17:48:58 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘name’: ‘Valgustus õues’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘value’: 0, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’}]
2019-02-07 17:48:59 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 49.0}, {‘sys:cpu;temp’: 68.218}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 556277760}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 4805947392}]
2019-02-07 17:49:01 - myDevices - INFO - OnMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘GFMIJ0DxKDELzvJ’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’, ‘payload’: ‘1’}
2019-02-07 17:49:01 - myDevices - INFO - ExecuteMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘GFMIJ0DxKDELzvJ’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’, ‘payload’: ‘1’}
2019-02-07 17:49:01 - myDevices - INFO - SensorCommand: value, sensor rttKJGKpvHwvLww, channel None, value 1
2019-02-07 17:49:01 - myDevices - INFO - Checking for rttKJGKpvHwvLww in dict_keys()
2019-02-07 17:49:01 - myDevices - INFO - Sensor found: {‘origin’: ‘rest’, ‘class’: ‘LightSwitch’, ‘type’: [‘DigitalActuator’], ‘args’: {‘last_state’: 0, ‘gpio’: ‘GPIO’, ‘invert’: True, ‘channel’: 20}, ‘device’: <helper.LightSwitch object at 0x75927cd0>, ‘functions’: {‘GET’: {}, ‘POST’: {}}, ‘description’: ‘Valgustus õues’, ‘status’: 1}
2019-02-07 17:49:01 - myDevices - INFO - Saving state 1 for device rttKJGKpvHwvLww
2019-02-07 17:49:01 - myDevices - INFO - ok,GFMIJ0DxKDELzvJ
2019-02-07 17:49:05 - myDevices - INFO - OnMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘tHtL7qu5v0FnIIK’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’, ‘payload’: ‘0’}
2019-02-07 17:49:05 - myDevices - INFO - ExecuteMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘tHtL7qu5v0FnIIK’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’, ‘payload’: ‘0’}
2019-02-07 17:49:05 - myDevices - INFO - SensorCommand: value, sensor rttKJGKpvHwvLww, channel None, value 0
2019-02-07 17:49:05 - myDevices - INFO - Checking for rttKJGKpvHwvLww in dict_keys()
2019-02-07 17:49:05 - myDevices - INFO - Sensor found: {‘origin’: ‘rest’, ‘class’: ‘LightSwitch’, ‘type’: [‘DigitalActuator’], ‘args’: {‘last_state’: 1, ‘gpio’: ‘GPIO’, ‘invert’: True, ‘channel’: 20}, ‘device’: <helper.LightSwitch object at 0x75927cd0>, ‘functions’: {‘GET’: {}, ‘POST’: {}}, ‘description’: ‘Valgustus õues’, ‘status’: 1}
2019-02-07 17:49:05 - myDevices - INFO - Saving state 0 for device rttKJGKpvHwvLww
2019-02-07 17:49:05 - myDevices - INFO - ok,tHtL7qu5v0FnIIK
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - OnMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘96237’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv’, ‘payload’: ‘0’}
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - OnMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘63358’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’, ‘payload’: ‘0’}
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - ExecuteMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘96237’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv’, ‘payload’: ‘0’}
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - SensorCommand: value, sensor nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv, channel None, value 0
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - Checking for nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv in dict_keys()
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - Sensor not found
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - error,96237=Sensor command failed
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - ExecuteMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘63358’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’, ‘payload’: ‘0’}
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - SensorCommand: value, sensor rttKJGKpvHwvLww, channel None, value 0
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - Checking for rttKJGKpvHwvLww in dict_keys()
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - Sensor found: {‘origin’: ‘rest’, ‘class’: ‘LightSwitch’, ‘type’: [‘DigitalActuator’], ‘args’: {‘last_state’: 0, ‘gpio’: ‘GPIO’, ‘invert’: True, ‘channel’: 20}, ‘device’: <helper.LightSwitch object at 0x75927cd0>, ‘functions’: {‘GET’: {}, ‘POST’: {}}, ‘description’: ‘Valgustus õues’, ‘status’: 1}
2019-02-07 17:49:07 - myDevices - INFO - ok,63358
2019-02-07 17:49:10 - myDevices - INFO - OnMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘54100’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv’, ‘payload’: ‘0’}
2019-02-07 17:49:10 - myDevices - INFO - OnMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘67826’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’, ‘payload’: ‘0’}
2019-02-07 17:49:10 - myDevices - INFO - ExecuteMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘54100’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv’, ‘payload’: ‘0’}
2019-02-07 17:49:10 - myDevices - INFO - SensorCommand: value, sensor nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv, channel None, value 0
2019-02-07 17:49:10 - myDevices - INFO - Checking for nsEqDHu3xFoLIFv in dict_keys()
2019-02-07 17:49:10 - myDevices - INFO - Sensor not found
2019-02-07 17:49:10 - myDevices - INFO - error,54100=Sensor command failed
2019-02-07 17:49:11 - myDevices - INFO - ExecuteMessage: {‘cmdId’: ‘67826’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’, ‘payload’: ‘0’}
2019-02-07 17:49:11 - myDevices - INFO - SensorCommand: value, sensor rttKJGKpvHwvLww, channel None, value 0
2019-02-07 17:49:11 - myDevices - INFO - Checking for rttKJGKpvHwvLww in dict_keys()
2019-02-07 17:49:11 - myDevices - INFO - Sensor found: {‘origin’: ‘rest’, ‘class’: ‘LightSwitch’, ‘type’: [‘DigitalActuator’], ‘args’: {‘last_state’: 0, ‘gpio’: ‘GPIO’, ‘invert’: True, ‘channel’: 20}, ‘device’: <helper.LightSwitch object at 0x75927cd0>, ‘functions’: {‘GET’: {}, ‘POST’: {}}, ‘description’: ‘Valgustus õues’, ‘status’: 1}
2019-02-07 17:49:11 - myDevices - INFO - ok,67826
2019-02-07 17:49:13 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: [{‘name’: ‘Valgustus õues’, ‘unit’: ‘d’, ‘value’: 0, ‘type’: ‘digital_actuator’, ‘channel’: ‘dev:rttKJGKpvHwvLww’}]
2019-02-07 17:49:14 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{‘sys:cpu;load’: 57.2}, {‘sys:ram;usage’: 561614848}, {‘sys:storage:/;usage’: 4805967872}]

if you dont any issues on deleting the device . can you re-add a new device. Delete this device by clicking cogwheel on top right corner of dashboard and click configure. next you will have an option to remove device.

I have the same issue on my RPi3. I removed it from Cayenne and re-created it with still the same effect. Channel show: dev:wKIIpw9MoHprHFK in the channel. I also tried to create other actuators and sensors with no luck.

the channel will show this string. It is a unique ID to identify a sensor/actuator device

How do i know what GPIO it is associated with?

My problem was solved if i re-created my device and new actuators. After that both actuators stopped working. Then i deleted my actuators and re-created another type actuators , and all ok… Maybe if i was created correct actuator at the first place i didnt need to delete my device.

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you run this command on your pi tail -f /var/log/myDevices/cayenne.log which shows the which channel string represents which GPIO.
in below log, the GPIO 18 is connected to a relay.

2019-03-08 16:08:35 - myDevices - INFO - Sensor found: {'origin': 'rest', 'functions':  {'GET': {}, 
'POST': {}}, 'type': ['DigitalActuator'], 'class': 'DigitalActuator', 'device': &lt;helper.DigitalActuator object 
 at 0x74ef2910&gt;, 'args': {'gpio': 'GPIO', 'channel': 18, 'last_state': 0, 'invert': False}, 'status': 1,
'description': 'Digital Output'}