I’m looking for a series of videos or lessons that would lead a HS student through a series of circuits using an arduino and use Cayenne as a controller. I haven’t found much except for vids on getting cayenne connected or getting started. This past semester I used the Arduino Projects book that comes with the starter kit and this did a decent job of introducing components such as LED’s, resistors, pots, temp. sensors etc. but when it comes to the controller side the students just copy and paste code into the IDE. I can’t teach C programming that’s why I am so excited to have found Cayenne but would like some lessons or vids that show how to use apply it.
Hi @klupton,
First off I love the idea of using Cayenne in education, and I’ve actually been receiving many inquires about using Cayenne in an educational way. We don’t have any videos that talk about C programming with Cayenne right now. Here’s a question, would you be interested in developing your vision of this video series? Or perhaps sharing an outline of what each lesson in the series would cover, and then either myself or someone in the Cayenne community could develop the lessons from there.
Actually the lessons that come with the Arduino Starter kit or Basic Kit work well. Maybe somebody could use the same lessons but insert Cayenne for the controller instead of copying and pasting code. The only difference between the starter kit and the basic kit is that the basic kit gives you access to the lessons online. These series of lessons already do a decent job of introducing resistor color code, LED’s temperature sensors etc.
Also see the How-to online HERE
I am working on designing a kit similar to that specifically for Cayenne and a Home Automation perspective. It would include a YourDuino RoboRED, sensors, relay board, Ethernet Interface, cables, breadboard etc etc. Any suggestions for content welcome.
Regards, Terry King
…In The Woods in Vermont, USA