Temperate Sensor DS18B20 Slave Name

Hi guys, I’m new with Cayenne and am trying to connect the DS18B20 temperature sensor. I am hooking up up to a Raspberry Pi. I hooked everything up correctly according to this picture… http://kookye.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/RPI-DS1820B-Step-3.png, now it asks me to Enter Slave. What should I enter for the Slave? Sorry for stupid question…

Hi @gimantuano,

For 1-wire sensors like the DS18B20, Cayenne will automatically discover the sensor and add a widget to your dashboard, so you actually don’t need to go through the add device process. Has the widget been added to your dashboard?

Hi there…

This is a 3 y old case, but I’m not able to see Cayenne discovering the DS18B20 as well. It’s operational, and provides the temp to the application. I can not find any associated setting re GPIO or IC2 etc. Does Cayenne need a particular wiring?

I assume I do NOT add a widget: " Cayenne will automatically discover the sensor and add a widget"

Have to admit, this is my first little Cayenne project…

My error:

Please fix the following errors:
Failed to add the sensor (Command timed out !)

Thank you!!

Can you share the logs of tail -f /var/log/myDevices/cayenne.log