Using : Arduino Uno with W5100 ethernet shield and web dashboard in Google Chrome
First my compliments for this wonderful IOT platform ! It is really nice !
When designing a web interface, I realized that everything is still in development, because I see some strange things happening while designing my web dashboard.
I can work around some issues, but not all.
So here is my first issue :
I cannot design my own gauge looking as I want.
I feel restricted to data types and units built in the Cayenne web dashboard, which is af course much too limited.
I wanted to design a gauge with MY data type and MY units and found out that it is impossible to do.
I wanted a gauge named Windspeed with Beaufort units (Bft)
It seems to be impossible. The units in the gauge can only be float, integer and Volt and will always be shown in the gauge scale ! Why?
So in my case I have a gauge Windspeed wich shows Float as a unit !
This is not looking very nice…
Hope you can solve this issue soon,
Kind regards and keep on doing this nice work !