Your Feedback Wanted on Device Tutorials

Hey Cayenne Community,

We’re going to create tutorials for each device that can be used in Cayenne. Can you give some feedback on the following BMP180 tutorial? We were thinking of using this format going forward. The tutorials will be linked when adding the device on the dashboard or mobile app.



I approve :+1:

Along the right lines.

  • Don’t forget the screen video capture of what happens as the device is discovered and or configured…
  • I am after the generic DI and DO as well as temperature mainly

~ Andrew

Personally I haven’t used a breadboard since the 80s. They give me nightmares :smile:

I’d like to be able to see the signals better. Maybe crop the unused right side and enlarge the image a bit. 175% zoom looks really nice.

My breadboard… in a bread box :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes I Love breadboards.
Old school ? Yes
The history of the name even more interesting before they were not too worried about lead soldered projects on the kitchen table perhaps…

Down here we have a term called #8 Wired (aka fix / make anything with fencing wire ) Breadboards fit the hands on / get down / maker space esp on courses electronics + code really nicely. Nothing like physically making the brain connection to connect code to wires to idea. I invented a matching PCB that you can drop your bread and butter project directly over to without having to go through the PCB design and etch process. Perfect for single digit short run concept projects. Ask any time for free sample:
Kiwi Patch Concept
Might have to send a free sample few slabs to the goodie bag dept ?

Good to see some projects.
Is that the linear device ? Have you tried DS18B20 temperature devices ?
The linear temp sensors are ‘everywhere’ and in lots of text books but the digital device is a lot more up front, one step simple and less prone to drift asides from being able to put lots of them in parallel on one wire bus. -55 to +125 Deg C and accurate, calibrated out of the box.

I hope to get my digital GPIO working too.
No luck so far.

Can we have some screen captures of the set up screen the moment just before clicking the green Add Device Bar ?

Video anyone ?

I am (obviously) totally missing a step here. I am not sure if something else has to be done before trying to add a device etc but No go so far… Not for lack of permutations, creative naming, of trying different permutations of the setup new device sequence. On average get one IP or one OP pin (only) working at any first attempt

(I have used WebIOPi for a few years and am quite used to lower level approaches from command line level and up.)

~ Andrew

I remember PicAxe from about 15 years ago. I did some dev work in HiTech C and CCS. Neat that it’s still around.

The patch wires I use probably have lots of lead in the plastic too :stuck_out_tongue:

The reason I want to use the MAX6675 is because they are cheap and easy to get from AliExpress and work well with Arduino et. al. Also, I need an SPI device that reads thermocouples because I’m reading up to 700F for my control system. These are marked for retirement, but they’re still ubiquitous and the replacements are code compatible… or very close.

AdaFruit has a driver for it here: GitHub - adafruit/MAX6675-library: Arduino library for interfacing with MAX6675 thermocouple amplifier
Here’s the datasheet:

Steps for a measurement:

Bring CS low.
Wait 1 ms (datasheet says 100 ns).
Read the first byte and move to the MSB of your result variable.
Read the second byte and move it to the LSB.
Raise CS.
Test 0x04 bit, if set, thermocouple is not attached. Return NAN or something.
Otherwise shift right 3 times as the reading is in the upper 12 bits.
Each bit represents 0.25C, so multiply the 12 bit number by 0.25 to get Celcius temperature.

Easy Peasy - RIP Bob.
