Hi, I have setup an Adeunis RF demonstrator as a device on a Cisco IXM LoRaWAN gateway using Actility Thingpark enterprise network server (this is NOT thingpark wireless standard but a smaller edition).
Everything looks fine, the data is reaching the network server, I am able to use the inbuilt decoder on wireless logger to see the temperature value etc. I then publish this data to two different destinations posthere.io and mydevices cayenne)
In the case of posthere.io (I am able to see that the data is routed to the correct URL) - you can view the data here also that is posted from the NS @ POSThere.io - Debug all the POST requests
In the case of cayenne (I am posting with this URL) https://longrangeapi.mydevices.com/longrange/api/actility/messages/add, however when i goto add the device on cayenne, under actility it requires me to select pre-determined thingpark server/email/password, when all i need is to enter the DEVEUI only. I can find the options i need under other NS options such as acklio, but the data seems to not be displayed
anyway to debug all the raw traffic sent to cayenne from a given DEVEUI?