TTN (Things Network) Integration with Cayenne myDevices

I have myDevices set up on my Things Network console specifically under applications integration:

The PayloadFormat is set to CayenneLPP:

Here is an image of my device overview on the Things Network:

On my Cayenne account I created a CayenneLPP device:
The steps I took were - Click add new device & widgets, select LoRa, select Things Network, and choose CayenneLPP. Before clicking add device, insert your Device EUI.

Next, I ran my code I had on my Raspberry Pi Model 3 B. I had already connected my Adafruit LoRa Radio Bonnet 915MHz rfm915 to my Raspberry Pi and already set up my gateway. I was able to send data from the LoRa Node to the gateway but was not able to set the data from the Things Network to Cayenne.

How can I send data from the Things Network to Cayenne? I am wondering if I have the integration set up correctly?

Is the device sending data in cayenne LPP format? Cayenne Docs

Yes I have the device set to send the data in Cayenne LPP format.

I believe that this screenshot shows that my payload is in the correct Cayenne LPP format?

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can you share the DevEUI.

Hi, seems I have the same problem with my GPS tracker. Did you find a root-cause?
Thank you.

@robert.o have you added the mydevices integration?

same problem here…

@ronny.huybrechts can you elaborate your issue?

same issue her - my dragino ltg92 send perfect data from ttn to cayenne but it does not show on the map - is there any idea to solve it ?

can you share the raw data that is seen on the TTN console.

Same problem , dont display anything

The same problem here, yesterday i added a device and cayenne received the data without problems.
Today I re-named my sensors and tried to connect it to cayenne and there were no data anymore…

After a little bit of search I found the solution:

The Things Network is actually upgrade to the V3 clusters and it seams that you need from now on an integration plugin. With this plugin you instruct The Thing Network to send the data to Cayenne.

Here is the link to the documentation and search for “Add Cayenne Integration”:

I hope it works for you too

@m.katerkamp @danndelarosam can you copy and paster her two sets of different payload that will help me track down the issue.

Please find two sets of payload - regards Andreas



can you try resetting the dashboard by clicking on the setting (clog wheel) and then reset dashboard.

I seem to be experiencing the same problem. I am working on a school project and at first glance my teacher saw no evident errors with my set-up. After multiple retries still no data received on cayenne.

try this.

Hi Shramik,

Doesn’t work for me. Tried it yesterday. left the node running all night. No data received. Today same thing.