Bug Filed on 12-16-2015: Crash and Burn

1. What OS? (Wheezy)

2. What class/size SD card? (ex. class 10 8gb)

3. What Model Pi? ( B)

4. Please describe the bug / issue. Attaching any relevant screenshots would be very helpful! Thanks in advance.

Bug, add DS2408, enter correct slave info, but widget fails to find the expander just keeps searching, left it for 5 minutes no change did a reboot and shutdown but web page became unresponsive, then I crashed my pi, my fault this time and the sd card was corrupted so did a fresh install of wheezy, I copied https://cayenne.mydevices.com/rpi/rpi_sqxbg99gv and pasted it to console … could not find file or… (yep screwed that up, not a good morning, realised after didn’t include wget) anyway pressed download installer from same screen got the file, pasted into /home/pi and changed properties sudo sh rpi_sqxbg99gv2.sh and webiopi installed fine but when I go to myDevices web page I get this …

and if I press download installer I get Whoops, looks like something went wrong, no idea other than starting with a fresh install again how to recover this,
Why is there are two separate options to install on two different pages?

Hey Toshi,

The screen shot you attached shows the unique installer code for the Pi ‘A’. If you were to go through the add device process again and add another Pi ‘B’, then a different unique installer would be generated, while the installer for Pi ‘A’ would still be available for use until the Pi comes online.

@akaranfilian Let’s look into this.

Thanks Toshi!

Hello Toshi,

Thank you for your feedback. We appreciate your findings greatly!

You are correct, it appears that the download link and instructions displayed on the Pending Device screen are not displaying the correct path and instructions to use as the other screens.

Here is the address that it should be instructing you to use:

wget https://cayenne.mydevices.com/rpi/rpi_r2mzkal4og.sh
sudo sh rpi_r2mzkal4og.sh

sounds like there is something missing related to DS2408
toshi can you please return the result of following command:
ls /sys/bus/w1/devices

In the screen shot the top pi, lets say A is the one that became unresponsive after the failed attempt to install DS2408, 29-0000001335bd I tried but couldn’t delete this pi.
Pi B the one that’s not currently installed is the same pi as A but with a fresh install and a different ip address, anyway I tried just now and succeeded to delete pi A so something changed but no matter how many times I try I cannot succeed to get pi B to install on myDevces, tomorrow I will try another fresh install.

Here is ls /sys/bus/w1/devices, I don’t recognise the entries starting with 00 and they keep changing each time I enter
ls /sys/bus/w1/devices so something is strange, if I transfer the hardware to my other pi running webiopi everything works and the 00-xxxxxxxx’s don’t appear.

pi@raspberrypi ~ $ ls /sys/bus/w1/devices
00-080000000000 28-000004de52e9 3a-0000001726c8 w1_bus_master5
00-880000000000 28-000004f98638 3a-0000001740f4 w1_bus_master6
26-0000018f0b3c 28-00000515fd8f w1_bus_master1 w1_bus_master7
26-0000018f35dd 28-000005164c50 w1_bus_master2 w1_bus_master8
28-000004816b68 29-00000012534b w1_bus_master3 w1_bus_master9
28-000004bda38e 29-0000001335bd w1_bus_master4

This time theres 3 00 with different numbers

00-180000000000 28-000004bda38e 29-0000001335bd w1_bus_master4
00-680000000000 28-000004de52e9 3a-0000001726c8 w1_bus_master5
00-e80000000000 28-000004f98638 3a-0000001740f4 w1_bus_master6
26-0000018f0b3c 28-00000515fd8f w1_bus_master1 w1_bus_master7
26-0000018f35dd 28-000005164c50 w1_bus_master2 w1_bus_master8
28-000004816b68 29-00000012534b w1_bus_master3 w1_bus_master9


@svazir @bestes

  • So I think we have an issue regarding Pi deletion while trying to reinstall… not sure how to reproduce that

  • Then it looks like the DS2408 does not popup automatically in the GPIO view, so I guess there is some problem here. I need to investigate that with UI.

We’ve done some fixes since this was created. I’m thinking this is resolved. Let me know otherwise.