Thank you for taking the time to submit your bug/issue! Please use the points below as a guide when submitting.
Device & model I am using: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
What dashboard I am using: Web
I can not add any extensions. I have a ADS1015 connected to my Pi and it shows up when I do i2cdetect -y. I have also downloaded the plugin from github and moved it to the /etc/myDevices/plugins folder. Still all widgets are greyed out.
The Prasberry Pi shows up in my Dashboard.
when you restart the agent you should get something like this
2020-05-01 12:49:11 - myDevices - INFO - Connected with result code 0
2020-05-01 12:49:12 - myDevices - INFO - GPIO - Native added
2020-05-01 12:49:12 - myDevices - INFO - Loading plugin: /etc/myDevices/plugins/cayenne-plugin-ads1xxx/cayenne_ads1xxx.plugin
2020-05-01 12:49:12 - myDevices - INFO - Sections: ['ADS', 'ADS_CH0', 'ADS_CH1', 'ADS_CH2', 'ADS_CH3']
2020-05-01 12:49:12 - myDevices - INFO - Creating instance of ADS1115 for ADS
2020-05-01 12:49:12 - myDevices - INFO - Loading I2C modules
2020-05-01 12:49:12 - myDevices - INFO - Creating instance of AnalogInput for ADS_CH0
2020-05-01 12:49:12 - myDevices - INFO - Loaded sections: ['ADS', 'ADS_CH0', 'ADS_CH1', 'ADS_CH2', 'ADS_CH3']
2020-05-01 12:49:12 - myDevices - INFO - Enabled plugins: dict_keys(['cayenne_ads1xxx:ADS', 'cayenne_ads1xxx:0', 'cayenne_ads1xxx:1', 'cayenne_ads1xxx:3', 'cayenne_ads1xxx:2'])
2020-05-01 12:49:13 - myDevices - INFO - Executing regular download test for network speed
2020-05-01 12:49:13 - myDevices - INFO - Send system info: [{'sys:os:name': 'raspbian'}, {'sys:os:version': '9'}, {'agent:version': ''}, {'sys:pwr:reset': 0}, {'sys:pwr:halt': 0}, {'sys:1wire': 1}, {'sys:spi': 1}, {'sys:i2c': 1}, {'sys:devicetree': 1}, {'sys:uart': 1}]
2020-05-01 12:49:13 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: []
2020-05-01 12:49:14 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{'sys:cpu;load': 22.8}, {'sys:cpu;temp': 41.698}, {'sys:ram;usage': 170803200}, {'sys:storage:/;usage': 4943765504}, {'sys:net;ip': ''}, {'dev:cayenne_ads1xxx:0': 3.0517578125e-05}, {'dev:cayenne_ads1xxx:1': 9.1552734375e-05}, {'dev:cayenne_ads1xxx:3': 0.133209228515625}, {'dev:cayenne_ads1xxx:2': 0.11187744140625}] + sys:gpio
2020-05-01 12:49:28 - myDevices - INFO - Sensors info: []
2020-05-01 12:49:29 - myDevices - INFO - Send changed data: [{'sys:cpu;load': 0.0}, {'sys:cpu;temp': 40.084}, {'sys:ram;usage': 171143168}, {'dev:cayenne_ads1xxx:0': 0.177520751953125}, {'dev:cayenne_ads1xxx:1': 0.14691162109375}, {'dev:cayenne_ads1xxx:3': 0.16241455078125}, {'dev:cayenne_ads1xxx:2': 0.101287841796875}]
which clearly shows that the ads plugin has been loaded successfully and sending the ads data to cayenne. you have not added the plugin properly. Try adding again.
seems the problem is rooted much deeper. I installed the cayenne mqtt and ran the it told me that:
Caught exception in on_connect: Connection failed, not authorized
So although I can access cayenne dashboard and the community I cannot connect to mqtt.
What am I doing wrong?