We haven’t had a big release in some time…that’s because we’ve been heads down working hard on a few very exciting features for all of you. One of those features was released this week! And it involves a pretty cool technology called LoRa, which is a LPWAN technolog. Don’t worry, we have extensive documentation so you can read up
LoRa Integration
NEW! LoRa Integration. You can now add LoRa devices from the Actility Network or Senet network, for FREE! Additional networks being integrated. Cayenne is the FIRST and ONLY IoT player offering a LoRa solution like this…though we are confident others will follow our path
Not sure what LPWAN or LoRa technology is? Read about it here.
Have some questions or want to collaborate with the Cayenne LoRa community? Create a post in the new LoRa category.
Feature Enhancements / Bug Fixes
NEW! Enhanced Gauge widget, includes ability to customize gauge ranges and min/max…check it out!
Arduino scheduling bug fixes
Fixed issue where unable to save settings for DS18B20 widget
Update to Alerts and Triggers to show min/max and allow user to edit these fields
We are continuing to develop a very big feature that will allow you to bring on any device into Cayenne; the Cayenne MQTT API! Stay tuned for this next week
Ya- I just now looked at LoRa chip solutions.
Find me a tranceiver for less than $22!
Esp12-e and the ESP family has WiFi already built in.
It cost $2.20
Keep your eyes on the prize!
##Give me MQTT -or give me death!
(Patrick Q. Henry)
a local Cayenne server running on a RasPi-3 would be great, too.
-distribute the server software via 1 time $2 “serialized” download,
keyed to the RasPi MAC address, -good for the life of the device.
Then you can charge a (monthly, I suppose) fee for your cloud server
if users prefer your full internet hosted connectivity.
My new home will not have ANY internet access,
but it will be fully wired Gigabit- everywhere.
Security and cams, computer network, remote gates
digital video, entry control system, lighting and landscape
monitoring solarPV, Inverters and remote automatic generator.
-but NO internet access.
It is not possible at this time,
An off-grid home. WAY off-grid.
so I need a stand alone solution. Just a thought.
Though I am still facing issues with Arduino scheduling.
I have an Arduino Nano connected with a Raspberry PI through usb (serial interface). I have set two schedule jobs to open lights On & Off in daily intervals. It worked for a few days, two weeks ago, but now it doesn’t seem to work at all.
I deleted the scheduling jobs and recreated them, but still not working.
I am using the 1.0.1 version of Cayenne-Arduino-Library, executing the script in extras/scripts/cayenne-ser.sh to communicate with my Arduino Nano.
Also, about MQTT API. I saw in github that you have started publishing the MQTT API libraries.
MQTT will be a major update to Cayenne.
I see that you currently have created API for:
This latest update was only to our web dashboard and backend systems. iOS (and Android) have not been updated yet for LoRa, so as long as you have version 1.5.1 (released Oct 12) of the iOS app then you’re on the latest. There will be updates to both of these apps to support LoRa in the near future, of course.
And yes, iOS 9 is still supported, it’s the minimum version at the moment.
As far as the Arduino scheduling trouble, could you PM me with screenshots of your scheduled events setup? We had some bugs with Arduino scheduling right after we launched it, and I want to see if I can reproduce on my side.
When i search for the CayenneMQTT library in arduino, it won’t show up. It only shows the Cayenne library but not the CayenneMQTT library for arduino, as shown in the link. Any way to fix this?
I’ve dropped Bestes a message with this, but I’m wondering if you can comment on when or if a local server looks to be happening? I’m wanting to use Cayenne to demonstrate the IoT ability to help someone who is physically or mentally limited to improve their home life and safety.