So, I installed everything according to your directions. I open up the dashboard, either on the web or on Android. It sees my Pi. It may get a couple of readings, i.e. CPU, Network, etc. Then, when I want to do something, say add a relay, I get connection errors. When I want to change a GPU pin from input to output, I get “Error sending command.” I have restarted my Pi no less than 15 times so far. I am absolutely getting frustrated here. I don’t know if this issue is stated in another thread because there are way too many threads to read.
So, I’ve gone through all of that. Fixed a couple of issues. Still having problems. I get connected on the Android app, then it just disconnects. I get an error that says “Can not connect to remote device.” It seems to be a very unstable connection. Note: I have connected with my phone using both WiFi and mobile data. On the web dashboard, I can’t ever seem to send any commands. I can see changes I made through the Android app, when it is connected, but I cannot make any changes on the web dashboard.
Ok, so when I run the sudo netstat -natp | grep -i established command a couple of times within a few minutes, this is what I get. It seems that my connection is bouncing between a couple of your servers. Is this on my end? If so, is there a way to prevent it since this seems to aid in dropping my connection?
I can tell you that the Android client will connect locally if the Pi is available and on the same WAP, so test that out and see if you are getting a local connection. Other than that, that’s above what I can troubleshoot. @bestes@rsiegel any suggestions?
Sorry for the late response here. As far as the Android app, in the past we’ve seen that it can occasionally get into a bad state which only seems to be resolved by Force Stop > clear App data/cache in the Android application manager. I hope this is not re-occuring but might be worth a shot here.