So I had to restart and reload my RaspberryPi, and now am having difficulty getting it online and accessible to Cayenne. I see the dashboard in my iPhone, and online in the browser, but can’t get it connected. I used to have it connected, but have a new service provider now too. (new ISP = new IP?)
Can someone walk me through this? I got it connected last time. But now am at a loss. Should I drop and reload Cayenne? Make a new account?
Do you happen to have your installer code from when you installed last time? It’s part of the file name you downloaded I’m not sure if there is a way to recover if you don’t have it, might have to install as a new device. @rsiegel might have some options for you.
I think the install code should probably show up in the settings like it does for the Arduino token for cases like this.
Ok, so I am getting ahead slowly. (I told you I was an idiot.) I am reloading it like it is a new Pi. It is asking for user name, password, and SSH. I am pretty sure SSH stands for Super Secret Hexadecimal Something or Other.
Anyways, what’s next.
I will not be offended if you talk to me like I am 10 years old and have no experience with any of this.
It sounds like you’re re-installing through the mobile app, what it wants it the username / password / and SSH Port for your Pi so it can access it to run the installer. SSH stands for ‘secure shell’, which is just a way of communicating securely (encrypted) with your Pi.
On a default pi, the SSH Port is 22. ( and the default username is pi, and password is raspberry )
If that doesn’t work, just reply here, and I can walk you through the alternate method of installing (which is really just logging into your pi manually to do what the mobile app should be doing automatically).
Hi, I`m new here. I have instaled 2017-04-10-raspbian-jessie.img, the Raspberry Pi is there, but it seems like there is an problem with Username or Password. Any other clue?
Hi @rsiegel, it seems like i have problems with SSH username and password. I tried all, uppercase and lowercase letters. But every time it reports an incorrect password or user name or port. I try to reach it thru my cell phone.
I have mentioned only the image that i have loaded on SD card.
I had problems with SSH, which was defolt disabled. Now it works flawlessly.
Ah, good catch, yeah Raspbian has SSH disabled by default now for security reasons. So it makes it a little harder for our app to do an automated install.
If you want to change your Cayenne username (your email address), it is a little trickier. Easiest to just make a new account with a new email address. But we can change it on our side if you’d prefer, I just need to ask our engineering team.
Is this problem with a new E-mail account still the same?
I changed from to and seem to have two accounts now. I cannot get rid of the old one, but have "my-devices "on the new one.
Can you look into this?