Esp12-e WiFi 277Vac/16Amp relay board + power supply

download the CAD file by clicking:
This file can be viewed AND the PC board can be ordered by using CAD software.
Minimum order is $68 for (3) PC boards,
Yielding (12) Allie circuits

Here’s a complete parts/source list
(excluding the Esp12-e)
for building 12 PC boards:

well- I sure hope all is going swimmingly with the ESP12-e integration,
because I just sent off to
for (2) Esp12-e designs.
I put 2 separate designs on 1 board. I’m…“frugal”. :wink:

These will be my “experimenter” PC boards for the Esp12-e.

I haven’t even fired up an Esp12-e yet. I hope it works…

I’m thinking “GROW LIGHT Controller”. Yeah.
-With binary inputs for thermostats and door alarms
and 2000 watt contactor relays for the lights.
Relays will be used for timed lighting
and exhaust fans (triggered by thermostats).
It would be awesome if I can monitor everything remotely, on my Nexus7.

I LOVE California!
Be SURE you have the proper permits, though,
or you get arrested!

I SHOULD have put a THIRD circuit on there,
instead of (2) “Allie” circuits.

The third circuit uses a MCP3004 4 input SPI bus A/D converter.
I’d eliminate the relay and GPIO connector,
and have an RJ45 connector to the MCP3004.
-for 4 temperature and humidity (or binary switch) inputs.
THAT’S the ticket! :sunglasses:

I’ll post a “Trio” PC board in the “project” section after testing.
-Gotta test!

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Cool video :slight_smile: I like the name PiWifio too


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Got it up and running by 7:00PM Saturday evening-
I have enough parts for (6) Allie remotes, and
(1) ESP QUAD relay unit.
I only bought (10) Panasonic Ale 12V relays. :frowning:

Ya, a piwifio…is what Elmer Fudd connects to a compewter, wike a pwinter or mouse or other piwifial device.

“Medieval”. Argh. Hey, it was late, I was tired… :confused:

for CayenneEstate,
I use a 120VAC input to 12 volt @ 10 Amp
battery backed-up power supply,
with (18) 1 amp fused circuit distribution.

(3) Esp12-e Allie, an Allie Quad and a RasPi3 with BAR hat

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It’s working PERFECTLY!

//#define CAYENNE_DEBUG         // Uncomment to show debug messages
//#define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial  // Comment this out to disable prints and save space
#include "CayenneDefines.h"
#include "BlynkSimpleEsp8266.h"
#include "CayenneWiFiClient.h"

// Cayenne authentication token. This should be obtained from the Cayenne Dashboard.
char token[] = "qsr6a5rr9e";
// Your network name and password.
char ssid[] = "FBI Wiretap";
char password[] = "insanefun";

void setup()
  Cayenne.begin(token, ssid, password);

void loop()

Wow- what a difference- changing “Serial.begin(9600);” to "Serial.begin(115200); -
in both the Arduino IDE upload,
as well as defining the serial speed of the ESPs’ WiFi.

HUGE differenc in device response time (snappiness),
as well as the Arduino upload speed.

-no reason to go at 9600 baud, 115200 baud works great!

Serial.begin just defines your serial speed for output, which 9600 should be plenty for text. If you are using serial to transmit data to another device then you will want to increase it. As far as the upload speed all ESP8266 boards should already default to 115200. 115200 will work fine with most (all?) cables, but going over that you will need to be sure you have high quality cables/FTDI chip or you will get transmit failures. I’m curious how you are setting the serial speed of the wifi though?

I thought the wifi was connected to the internal ESP (or RasPi) Uart-
I dunno…I’m not sure how the internals of the RasPi or ESP are wired.
but it seems that even the WiFi is snappier.

I’ll just continue to use 115.2 kBaud.
The difference in "program upload"speed is, like,
30 seconds @ 115.2 kB vs. something like 3 minutes @ 9600.

I think the ArduinoIDE initially loads 9600.
You gotta manually change it to 115200 baud.
Hey- I’ve only experienced the ArduinoIDE for less than 1 month.
It’s all new to me.

sofar, out of 12 Esp12-e units,
2 have failed (refusing to go into FLASH mode)
but I may have fried them
via soldering or ESD.

Bought my first RasPi just last November.
This is my 1 year anniversary using Pi.

I’m just getting back into electronics after a 35 year hiatus.
Dang PC 'puters sidetracked my joy of electronics design.
CAD has gotten SO much better since 1980!