it´s my second project.
It was just an Idea to make it. It was tricky but its run very well.
Hope, this will help some Newbies with a ESP and Cayenne, yeah its sometimes tricky !
With this Sketch, you can switch just an Led on/off and a 2 way Relay for some electrics on the Cayenne Dashboard.
The Cayenne_IN function works well !
Yoel have to configure widgets and the Channels on Cayenne Dashboard !
Hi Community,20171212_090329|666x500
Arduino Sketch
#include <CayenneMQTTESP8266.h>
#define CAYENNE_PRINT serial
char ssid[] = "***";
char wifiPassword[] = "***";
char username[] = "*****";
char password[] = "*****";
char clientID[] = "*****";
void setup() {
// put your setup code here, to run once:
Cayenne.begin(username, password, clientID, ssid, wifiPassword);
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
pinMode(2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
pinMode(4, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);
void loop() {
// put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
int currentValue = getValue.asInt();
if (currentValue == 1)
//do whatever you want when you turn on the button on cayenne dashboard
digitalWrite(2, HIGH);
//do whatever you want when you turn off the button on cayenne dashboard
digitalWrite(2, LOW);
int currentValue = getValue.asInt();
if (currentValue == 1)
//do whatever you want when you turn on the button on cayenne dashboard
digitalWrite(5, HIGH);
//do whatever you want when you turn off the button on cayenne dashboard
digitalWrite(5, LOW);
int currentValue = getValue.asInt();
if (currentValue == 1)
//do whatever you want when you turn on the button on cayenne dashboard
digitalWrite(4, LOW);
//do whatever you want when you turn off the button on cayenne dashboard
digitalWrite(4, HIGH);