I’m not sure why you’re seeing that error message, you might want to try curl http://localhost:8000/version which should be equivalent to that command.
Ultimately I don’t think it’s related to the issue you’re seeing though. If you can control the GPIO pins through the Cayenne web dashboard on a Pi running the 4.9+ kernel, then I have to assume you have the latest agent and that it is running OK. Perhaps there is something something specific to the account (or phone) setup that is going on here.
Could you let me know what model of iOS device and what version of iOS you’re running? If you don’t mind, I’d also be interested to try it from one of our test iOS devices if you would PM me with your Cayenne username and password, and an example of a GPIO pin that you can change the state of OK from the web but not from the iOS app.
Actually, restarting my iPhone and/or restoring its network settings fixed the GPIO control. Thanks again for the tests you have done.
I have also noticed an inconsistency in the number of running processes and the reported network speed in the dashboards on laptop and iphone. The other displayed metrics (storage, memory, CPU consumption and CPU temperature) are consistent.
Thanks for the update, glad to here the larger GPIO issue is resolved for you now. Please let me know if you suspect it has returned in the future. As for the Network speed/Processes widgets, agreed that these are not consistent between the two platforms. It looks like the iOS app is only showing a count of the number of services running instead of all processes. Perhaps the speed is being miscalculated, we’ll investigate.
Looks like we’re going to be dropping the processes widget in an upcoming update. It was really just a demo of funneling data into a widget via Cayenne anyway. If you want to get a more accurate count for this sort of thing, you can use our Remote Access feature to log into your Pi and use Linux commands like ps or other process managers to view this information there.
If you really want it on your dashboard you could even gather a count and push it to a Cayenne custom widget with your Pi connected as an MQTT device.