Hydroponic - DWC

About This Project

I started with Hidroponic project to install it on my terace, and have fun with some fresh vegetables, as i´m Cisco Security Network Engeener, i decided to make something more and add little bit of IT here, so i used Cayeene and Raspberry to set up different sensors and control it via cloud or automation.

What’s Connected

Raspberry Pi, 2x Light Sensors (BH170), 2x Hum and Temp Sensors (DHT11), 2x Temp Sensors for Water (DS18B20), x4 Leds for indications and alarms, 1x Relay with 2 slots to control 12v 2 Fans (In-Out flow) and 2 Water Airation for Tanks.
I will install 1 more relays to control LED Lights for growing.

Triggers & Alerts

Yes, set up is done to control Temp and Hum and active or disable fans.
Also lights will be actived or disabled if there is low light.


Rebooting Pi once a week.

Dashboard Screenshots

Photos of the Project

Pennding to set up all togather, i´m in testing phase if all is good, i will install sensors in the box.
but i can share actual setup.

I have used little Cisco Meraki Access point box to make connections, it is really preatty,

Seeds are growing… will be moved in Hydroponic in few days.


Will Be done once finished all setup.

Thank you very much to everyone, especially Shramik and Chikov for help !


Excellent project. Thanks for sharing with the cayenne community. Would love to see the project in an action.

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Thats awesome!
Im working on something sinmilar