I think the triggers do not work

Hello Goodnight
I have an Arduino nano connected with a w5100 shield and it seems to work well. On my dashboard there is a generic sensor on the A0 input and also a generic actuator on the digital pin 5.
In addition, there are two triggers on the actuator (D5).

  1. If A0> 580 —> D5 = 1
  2. If A0 <560 —> D5 = 0
    And also seems to work well.-
    But … If D5 is in the low state and I click the D5 button it will be raised. It’s alright so be it !!! But then D5 DOES NOT RETURN to low though A0 <560. The trigger does not seem to work. If I click on the D5 button again it will set to low and the triggers start to work fine. Is this normal?
    In other words. Triggers are not compatible with manual settings.
    I hope you understand my question I’m using google translator
    Thank you

Hmmm I don’t think I’ve ever tried that before. Can you share your sketch? I’ll test it out

Can you also post the sketch you are using on the Arduino?

hi adam
this is the scketch

// --------------------------------------
#define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial
#include <CayenneEthernet.h>
char token = “p2q2dnab96”;
void setup()

void loop()
// ------------------------------------------
