Triggers not working in our project, please help

Hi. Thanks in advance for going through the trouble of reading this.

First of all, I’m aware that there are several other posts with a similar (if not the same) title, but I’ve gone over them (even the resolved ones) and didn’t find the exact same problem we’re experiencing. I found this thread (PIR Motion sensor trigger not working - #2 by scheltovandoorn) which describes the problem but the workaround found didn’t work out for us.

Quick explanation: We’ve used a Raspberry Pi 3 to hook up our sensors/actuators, we’re trying to develop the interface with Cayenne (smart classroom). At the moment, we’re trying to use Cayenne to perform a single, simple task with triggers.

IF our movement sensor (PIR hc-sr501) is set high (1), THEN one of the relays in the 8 Channel Relay Module for Arduino should activate. However, this doesn’t happen.

If I look at the dashboard overview while standing in front of the sensor, I can see Cayenne detecting it real time. Also, if we try to manually activate the relay, we can do it with no trouble. The trigger however, doesn’t work, and the Trigger Event counter remains in 0. We tried switching the THEN action to send an email instead of activating a physical switch, but it still won’t work.

If anyone has a new approach to this, I would really appreciate it if they could share it here.

Thanks again.


@robert_mz11 welcome to the cayenne community.
currrently there is a bug with trigger and the team is workig on getting a new trigger enginee which will be out soon.

Understood. Thanks for replying so quickly!