I’ve tried
restarting with a new mydevice
running other suggested scripts
but no success.
I’ve run the uninstall and this gives
sudo /etc/myDevices/uninstall/./uninstall.sh
sed: can't read /etc/myDevices/uninstall/installed_agent: No such file or directory
Removed symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/myDevices.service.
userdel: cayenne mail spool (/var/mail/cayenne) not found
groupdel: group 'cayenne' does not exist
first of all, are using Lora node or cayenne MQTT agent on the raspberry. the link you share are for cayenne MQTT agent.
can you first, elaborate on what you are trying to achieve or what is your project about.
My experience is in products developed in c mainly for temperature monitoring and have some experience in bespoke iot apps but not with the MQTT agents and similar.
My project.
I have 2 rasberry pi’s, one collecting info from various sensors, wind, temp humidity (weather station and domestic environment monitoring). These values are entered into a mysql db.
The other is a webserver which reads data (over tcp) from the other pi and displays them on the browser. This runs fine but needs polishing.
Up to now I’ve written almost all my own code and was trying to shorten the development.
Recently I delved into LoRaWan, (to add to my existing radio transmitters I have, and possible simplify the installation), and have setup a node that collects temperature and humidity and sends them to TTN and on to myDevices dashboard where I can inspect then using a browser or a phone app.
I also have set up a temporary single channel gateway (raspberry pi zero + RFM95) because the other gateway that was in range no longer operates.
So I wish to move in one of three directions.
take the data received from the LoRaWan gate way and insert it into my db, or
Implement a myDevices style dashboard on the raspberry pi and direct all data there.
Send all data to the Cayenne.myDevices dashboard.
Reading your comment makes me think that what I’m trying at the moment only sends data to the Cayenne dashboard. But it’s a start.
Having dug deeper I find there is an MQTT client API available. I have had a look and this could implement my option 3.
Then I would have to get my gateway to send data to my db.
And I won’t have to sort out the original problem.
Many thanks for your help.
I already send the data from my Lora node to cayenne.
Your comments on MQTT made me read further and I think that using the “Cayenne-MQTT-C-master” on a raspberry pi will allow me to send my weather station data to the Cayenne cloud desktop.
From you comments I have progressed to running simplepub from CayennMQTTClient C examples.
I have added functions in c to get data from mysql database to show them om my BYOD page.
So now with a little more work I will be able to send all/any data to the BYOD page.
So my original path in adding a raspberry pi to the dashboard was not the right way to go.