Mqtt android widget

Hi guys,

I was wondering if anyone knew of an mqtt based (id assume…) widget that would work on an android phone for displaying data (ie WITHOUT opening an app like cayenne) - like, for example, the numbers on an email/gmail app that come up on top of the icon to display the amount of unread emails, but for an mqtt value? long shot, maybe someone knows :slight_smile:

Tagging some people who might know long shot questions like this :slight_smile:

@kreggly @vapor83 @adam @tad.dvor @Agroelektronik


I don’t know why that would need to involve MQTT, but IFTTT supports Android widgets. is to the cloud what Perl is to Linux.

We don’t currently have a Cayenne service for IFTTT, although it would be REALLY nice to have :stuck_out_tongue:




ah, well i was wanting to put a piece of data from cayenne directly onto the main page of an android phone as either a widget or an icon with a number on it, for reading the level of a water tank without having to open an app to see the value :slight_smile: I figured MQTT would be the easiest, just grabbing the data directly from the MQTT broker for cayenne from the project.

@asanchezdelc any ideas here?

Hi @brendon.walters,

We don’ have such support right now, however, it sounds like an interesting idea, perhaps we can add support to our existing Android app @bestes?

  • Adrian
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With IFTTT, I could connect Cayenne to Google Assistant and really blow up the world.



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