Hello, I’m developing the arduino project along with the cayenne.
Acquire some more sensors to improve the design and some of them are still not compatible with cayenne.
I would like to know if anyone knows how to print the printed value on my serial port. In an online viewfinder on the Cayenne. That way, I can power my sketch and only print the values on the Cayenne.
Serial possible?
I am trying to connect a water flow meter but because it is digital I can see if it is or not passing water. While in serial I can measure in liters.
In case there are two doubts one if it is possible to print the serial port in some cayenne display. And others would be if someone has already connected a water leakage gauge to the Cayenne.
I’m from Brazil, maybe it’s one of the only ones to be developing over the Cayenne here in Brazil.
sorry for English.
thank you.