Question about cayenne triggers


I would like to ask how can I implement more complex triggers.
In the cayenne dashboard, if you want to create a trigger, you use a device with a condition on the “if” side, and an action on other device in the “then” side.

How can I make a double if ? For example:

if ( condition1 & condition2) {

Thank you

you cannot have such trigger in cayenne.

Hi my name is Denis…iam new to cayenne and iam not sure if your are the right person to contact to …but
i saw the trigger and tryed it and it worked good but i think i made an mistake == pot value greater than 300 ex: and send e-mail alert( but it send me 86 emails in maybe 5 minutes) i realise my mistake and stop it but now it`s impossible to send another trigger email alert …i deleted the old one and made an new one but still not sending any emails anymore…do we have a limits of emails that we can send in cayenne ??? or do i have to start an whole new project ???

thank you so much for the reference you gave meshramik_salgaonkar i will try this pretty soon…i didn’t know i had to use it this way but my sketch is differente for my esp-12e

it start this way

#include <CayenneMQTTESP8266.h>


#define CAYENNE_PRINT Serial

char ssid = “********”;

char password = “*************”;

char username = “********************”;

char mqtt_password = “******************”;

char client_id = “***************”;

const int analogInPin = A0;

int sensorValue = 0;

it is different of the code you send me cause i don’t habe any place to put my

char ssid = “********”;

char password = “*************”;

in the code you send me

i will try your code mix with the one i used and give you feedback …

your cayenne website is very cool and that the thing i was looking for …thank you for your work !!!

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hi shramik !!

i have copy and paste the code in the link that you send me (

) and when i complie the code i have this error

crossedThreshold was not declare in this scope…

i never used ( bool ) in my code before …

is this the way to solve it ???

bool crossedThreshold;


bool crossedThreshold=false;


bool crossedThreshold = crossedThreshold;


thank you for your help !!!

Not sure why you are getting this error. Can you share the code if you have made any changes to it.

You can anyone, both are the same, I just prefer mentioning the boolean state just so that it is easier for the user can understand.

i guess this is also valid but never used.

thank you shramik !!!

i just realise after you said to share the code if you made any modification to it …

cause i only took the code from the link in the page and add it to my code but i didn’t saw the github link with the full code …

is it possible to download the exel file from a phone ??? it looks that android can’t download any exel file from cayenne dashboard …i tryed but did not work …can’t acces to the download button (download data button )…any suggestion ???

once again thank you for your help !!!

cayenne does not work on the mobile browser.

Hi Shramik !!

you just said ( cayenne does not work on the mobile browser. )…

but i just downloaded the cayenne App for android …

do you mean the download data does not work on mobile ???

i’m talking about the download button to read in exel file the data …

thank you Shramik for your help and your work on cayenne plateform , i wish i can learn more about cayenne …

from where did you download. We have removed it from the playstore and we no longer support the cayenne mobile app.

This is probably a daft question, and highlights that I dont know what I am doing

I have tryed to set up a trigger on cayenne from the button on my adeunis tester
i have set up the trigger on the button on the device and set it to email me
when i push the button the number of instances of activation seems to have gone up by 1
but no email or SMS seems to arrive

( we have looked in our mailers logs and ist not just going into junkmail )

any help greatfully received

all the best for the season in this most unusual year

can you try deleting and creating a new trigger.

just tryed that, similar result, its fired when i pressed the button
but no email has arrived that i can see…

ha, tryed another gmail based address and thats worked

back to the filters on our side

many thanks for this

now to try it on the leak detector which is what its really for !
( water in server romm, great ! )

all the best

ah…ok …so i will continue to work on cayenne with my computer…i’m not sure where i had the link…i think it was in playstore couples weeks before…

is it normal that the trigger can’t be actived when your are not login into your cayenne account ??? or there is something i have to add in the code ???

this cayenne plateform is very cool …nice work by the way !!

thanks for your time !!!

trigger run if logged in or not. They will always fire if the condition set is TRUE

No more mobile app? That’s messed up.