RaspberryPi LoRa Hat Board - Dragino

Has anyone purchased a Dragino Raspberry Pi 3 and Raspberry Pi 2 Lora/GPS_HAT(915MHz) and paired it up with myDevices?

I believe that it is not a big deal connecting it to Cayenne, since the platform officially supports Lora. You can read more here Do not hesitate to contact the Community for any questions regarding problems of connecting the device.


Just ordered the board. Will see how it works!

Yes. I am excited!

Hi @stovalldb,

How is your progress going here? We’d definitely like to see the Dragino Hat working with Cayenne :slight_smile: @croczey and @rsiegel are also here to help!


I have shelved the Dragino board for now. Hope Cayenne or the Community can come up with a downloadable program linking the Dragino and the RasPi. Dragino points you to a video which leaves a lot of dead air space to fill in for someone who is not that up to speed, Yet.
I just received in a LoPy board from www.Pycom.io and am hoping Cayenne will tie it into their product Link List!