Registering Microchip RN2483


I have my own node which uses Microchip RN2483 and registered it on Cayenne as a Microchip LoRa Technology Mote. I cannot see any data. The payload sent is 0167011002680F which is relative_humidity_2: 7.5 and temperature_1: 27.2.
Everything is OK on TTN.
Would you please assist is the configuration is correct?

you need to select the correct network server. it looks you have added the mote using acklio network server.


Thanks. Yes I should have chosen TTN as a network server. But no I receive this error

Please fix the following errors:

  • Conflict

It seems that the device is there ,but I already deleted the old device.

wait for some time and then try again. the device data is sometimes stored in the cache.


Now, I have registered the device but I don’t see the data.

can you try by selecting cayenne LPP in TTN server while adding a device.


I already chosen that option.

Bakhtiar Ibrahim Saeed

you have selected Microchip LoRa Technology Mote

Yes I selected Microchip LoRa Technology Mote.

My LoRa chip is RN2483

Great. It works now. Thanks a lot for your support.

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