Slider bug - not holding values

Having issues with Sliders not remembering last set values and always reverting to zero
This seems to have been since last upgrade when all the dashboards where lost temporarily
Anyone else?

Arduino MQTT

Are you referring to web dashboard or mobile app.

Sorry - web dashboard

is it still happening?

Hi, Yes I just noticed this also… Still happening… I have a slider set to 70…

If I reboot it reverts to 0 and not 70… Until I move the slider… Can I force a read of the slider on a reboot?

Also I noticed on the web I can set the slider in whole integers… On the app its carried out to 2 decimals… Is there a setting for this? Whole units on the the app? Thx.

are you referring to app or web?


will check and let you know.

Everything on the sliders (trigger for temperature) reverted to zero but would come back if I refreshed the page. Sometimes took a few refreshes. I noticed this using different web browsers, Chrome, Firefox and Edge.