Smart irrigation using RPI4

Hi, I’m planned to do IoT project for my chili farm.
I’m using - RPI4
- GrovePi+
- BME280 (connected to grovepi+ I2C)
- Capacitve soil moisture corrosion resistant (connected to grovepi+ analog A0)
- whitebox tentacle t3 (EC sensor, 2 peristaltic pumps)
- 8 channel relay 10A 240VAC (for water pumps)

I need python codes and guidance how to link all the sensors and motors to cayenne dashboard.
Anyone can help me?

First of all are you able to read all the above sensor data with python code? if yes then you can use cayenne python library to send it GitHub - myDevicesIoT/Cayenne-MQTT-Python: Python Library for Cayenne MQTT API