About This Project
In the first place created this project to learn more about an ESP and MicroPython. To have an actual useful project i decided to measure the soil moist of my living room plant as well as the temperature and the humidity.
An other reason why i decided to measure these parameters is to learn as much as possible.
There are several aspects represented in this project.
- ESP8266
- I2C (Temp/Hum Sensor)
- Analog (Soil moist Senosr)
- MQTT (Cayenne)
- MicroPython
- Did i miss something?
If this project hits actual interest i will describe everything better.
What’s Connected
I used following Hardware:
- NodeMCU-0.9 with ESP8266
- HTU21D for temp and hum measurment
- YL-69 for soil measurment
- some LEDs for statusinformations
Fritzing Pic will follow
Code is available on GITHUB. I think its to much to just post it here…
Triggers & Alerts
for now there are no Triggers or Alerts
for now there is no Scheduling
Dashboard Screenshots
Photos of the Project
Become better in English!
There are so many things i want to integrate