Installation stops on Software Components

If that doesn’t work, you may want to read through this thread for some additional troubleshooting options: Raspberry Pi Zero installation

I know you’re not on a Pi Zero but I don’t think that matters, this has been seen when installing on Jessie Lite in the past. In my case it always resolves after running those 5 commands I’ve shared until every step shows nothing further to install (and I mean every step, your current logs still show 8 upgraded when you ran the upgrade command.)

I don’t understand apt-get well enough to know why it does that – perhaps some update needs to be in place before it can see even more updates – I know Windows Update behaves in this way.

If that (or @ognqn.chikov’s suggestion) doesn’t do it, you may want to try installing on a Full Jessie image. It can still be pared down after the fact if your concern is running a leaner OS on your Pi.