Installation on Rpi3B on usb-stick

Hi. I’m installing software on Rpi3-b. Just downloaded new version of Jessi. I’m running OS on usb stick 8gb.

I tried both ways - installation from IOS app and manual view terminal. Both hang. Manual hangs on


set -x
Thu 17 Aug 05:03:42 UTC 2017 Installing myDevices agent

Hi. I’ve got the same problem on Pri3. I have no option to “expand” filesystem, because I’m running from usb stick and expansion tool says it works only for sd card. I have Jessi. I’have made “sudo apt-get update…”.

I saw thread on the same topic, but it is solved with “disk expansion”, but on usb stick can’t be expanded.

Could you please help me with installation. Great thanks.

What is the error you are receiving? Does it give a line number?

Hi. Great thanks for fast reply.

No, I don’t receive any error. It just hangs on the step “installing mydevices agent”.

Hmm I would expect some more output than that. A couple questions for you

Did you use the -v switch when you ran the installer? ex sudo bash -v ?
How long did you let it wait? Sometimes it can take a few minutes to install, especially on the older Pi’s
From the screen shot it looks like you are running it from the terminal on the pi, but I have to ask, is the Pi rebooting during the install? Sometimes a weak power supply can cause reboots during install.

Also, check out this post. I think this may be the issue you are seeing.

Yes, I run with sudo … -v.
I’m waiting much more than 10 minutes. Approximately 1 hour.
No, I’m sure there was no reboot. I’m permanently connected to RPI via VNC and I didnt have any message about disconnect.

Moreover i tried to do that 4 times (downloaded different files with different ids). Hope multiple runs didn’t make any problems - because i deleted all data from home and from /etc.

Hi @brz25ac,

I suspect the installer is getting stuck on an unnecessary step related to disk expansion, yes. Here is what I’d try:

Run the installer again until it gets stopped where you pictured, then Ctrl+C to exit the script. If you run the command ls, there should be a folder called myDevices-1.0. Enter it with cd myDevices-1.0.

From there, run sudo nano to open the setup script for editing. Locate the following code block (around line 137)

#make sure we have enough space before or after restart
availableSize=`df -k | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'`
if [ $availableSize -lt 200000 ]; then
    echo $retVal
    if [ $retVal = 1 ]; then
        updateProgress -2 -2 'Setup will continue after reboot!'
        #setup crontab to start at reboot time
        chmod 0755 $reboot_script          
        line="@reboot ${reboot_installer}"
        (sudo crontab -u root -l; echo "$line" ) | sudo crontab -u root -
        sleep 3
        sudo reboot
        exit 2
    updateProgress -1 -1 'Installing myDevices agent'
    echo "Setup requires at least 200Mb for install" && exit 1
    #just expand the file system to maximum

You’ll want to comment out all of those lines with # character, like so:

#make sure we have enough space before or after restart
#availableSize=`df -k | head -2 | tail -1 | awk '{print $4}'`
#if [ $availableSize -lt 200000 ]; then
#    retVal=$(expandFileSystem)
#    echo $retVal
#    if [ $retVal = 1 ]; then
#        updateProgress -2 -2 'Setup will continue after reboot!'
#        #setup crontab to start at reboot time
#        chmod 0755 $reboot_script          
#        line="@reboot ${reboot_installer}"
#        (sudo crontab -u root -l; echo "$line" ) | sudo crontab -u root -
#        sleep 3
#        sudo reboot
#        exit 2
#    fi
#    updateProgress -1 -1 'Installing myDevices agent'
#    echo "Setup requires at least 200Mb for install" && exit 1
#    #just expand the file system to maximum
#    expandFileSystem

Now save your changes and exit your editor. To re-start the installer with these changes, you’ll need to know your invite code. That’s the mixed character part of the original script you downloaded from the Cayenne dashboard. So for example, if you downloaded the script your invite code is iqzajvlmnm

Now that you have this invite code, you can re-run your edited script with the following command:

sudo bash -code yourinvitecode -v (where yourinvitecode is replaced with your actual invite code).

I suspect this will work to un-stick the script and allow you to complete your installation. If it doesn’t, let me know and I’ll continue to help troubleshoot.

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I could be wrong but last year I had the same problem and hitting enter each time it stops did it for me. Could have been an isolated problem unique to my install but hey, can’t hurt right?

Hi. Thank you.

My problem has been solved.

A little issue I met when implemented your solution. Files in myDevices are owned by some user “507” (suppose, this is a person who created distribution archive) and from file browser I didn’t have access to change or overwrite Therefore I replaced it in sudo mode.


Glad to hear it. Our new agent update (coming soon) doesn’t require root access anymore so hopefully situations like what you’ve described will no longer be an issue once it is released.