Now I’m with a stable environment using a Rpi3 with myDevices WEB and Android for some weeks, but Cayenne server usually goes offline even more than once a day, looks to me that it happens in the morning and night more frequently (I’m at GMT -3).
Cayenne is a very good framework to support even professional IoT projects, but those server issues are really anoying.
Any plans to do Cayenne server works really 24x7 or anything near this?
Don’t worry about.
I’ve just restarted my Rpi3 a few minutes ago because today Cayenne was apparenlty offline, but on Android in spite off server offline message, each time I loaded it the values were refreshed and looked correct. Before I tried to turn off myDevices and webiopi services and turn on them again, no success.
After restart everthing is ok again.
Every night my Rpi is auto restarted at. 3AM, and I don’t know when Cayenne stopped to work, if just after Rpi boot or later.
Hi. More than one month ahead, Cayenne is working ok. I really had (and have) problems almost any time I shutdown or restart my RPi, maybe SD card is at end of life, thinking on use HD as master disk.
Thank you all for your support and patience!
Maybe here is the place to ask about offline version It would be good if the data is stored locally and when there is connection, to be pushed to the cloud
I really don’t know what is exactly because have no time to dig deeper, but sometimes errors occur during boot and I just restore last sd ard image to solve it. Looks to me that, as I already read about, SD card used in a heavy way can have a low lifetime, and another times I think that could be some kind of software conflict because just myDevices service don’t work and I need to restart myDevices and webiopi, so I’d like to know if we can delay the start of those services to see what happens.