Have set up the DS18B20 sensor connected to Arduino Uno + WiFi shield and my problem is that the Cayenne dashboard value displayed is static at 1.00 C or 33.8 F rather than the true temperature. I have some experience of the DS18B20 with RasPi and have a python-based internal/external 2-sensor system working for some time, but I’m not as familiar with Arduino. The DS18B20 is an Ltech model with two integrated resistors (1K and 10K) on the board, one for the LED and one for pull down I presume. There are 3 pins on the board: + (to 5V) - (to GND) and DG to pin 2 on Arduino (which is the pin specified in sketch (const int tmpPin = 2;) and on Cayenne widget settings.
Any ideas/???