Hi @arnoldsb, thanks for the DevEUI.
After looking in our logs, I think I can see how we got here, though I do have a question at the end of this.
Looking back in our logs to August 4th, I can see we’re receiving base64 payloads like (an example): AWcBIgFoUA==
, which converts to hex 01 67 01 22 01 68 50
which is more or less like the payloads in your screenshot. This decodes on our end like this:
"channel": 1,
"type": "temp",
"unit": "c",
"value": 29,
"name": "Temperature (1)"
"channel": 1,
"type": "rel_hum",
"unit": "p",
"value": 40,
"name": "Humidity (1)"
The reason why you’re only getting one widget is because you’re sending two different kinds of data both on Channel 1, specified by the bold bytes here: 01 67 01 22 01 68 50
These channels are virtual constructs so you can choose whatever number you like, but they both need to be unique. For example, here is your same payload if I specify the channels 3 & 7 as such: 03 67 01 22 07 68 50
"channel": 3,
"type": "temp",
"unit": "c",
"value": 29,
"name": "Temperature (3)"
"channel": 7,
"type": "rel_hum",
"unit": "p",
"value": 40,
"name": "Humidity (7)"
If you make that small correction, you should see both widgets created, and with what to me looks like the correct data – it looks like the data collision caused the strange value on your current temperature widget.
Finally, I should note that when looking up your device in the logs, at some point on August 5, your device started repeating the payload (base64) ////q7o=
which converts to (hex) ff ff be 80
which isn’t a valid Cayenne LPP payload format.
I’m not sure why this is, perhaps it was a side effect of trying to troubleshoot what you posted here, before you posted? But if you can get the device back to sending payloads like the one I detailed above, with the data sending on unique channels, I suspect you’ll see the 2nd widget appear and everything will be as expected.