Can't see the dashboard with data in Cayenne

Hi,i m working with B-L073CZ lora module and i create an end device in TTN also in cayenne. i can see the data in the TTN but in cayenne i have “waiting for live data” always.

Did you add the cayenne integration in the application?
Application —> Integration —> webhook —> add webhook → cayenne → add webhook id → client id can be kept blank.
You don’t need to use a separate payload in the end device. Have it set Use application payload formatter

OK, a slightly relate question on the same theme.

What do I use for my ‘webhook id’ when adding my integration (where do I find my id / how do I generate a new id…). Sorry, I am new at webhooks and am obviously missing something here, but the TTN v3 Cayenne Docs isn’t clear on this - or have I have missed something really basic and obvious - in which case I apologise.



Webhook id is the name you have to give to the webhook. It can be anything you want.

Hi, it’s not working . i tried with LORIOT but the same problem no data on the Dashboard.
should i write a code to decode the data on the loriot ?

can you private message me your DevEUI and which device are you using.

the data recived is 0027102101f4fe3e090d0503ab0000 where 2nd byte is 0x27 which is not an cayenneLPP datatype. hence the payload is ignored and not shown on the dashboard.
You need to send the data in cayenneLPP format Cayenne Docs

Hi, how can i change the format of data into a cayenneLPP .
thank you for your help.

which device are you using?

i m using : B-l072Z-LRWAN1

can you share the code you are using on it.

hi, i sent you my code on a message .

the code only contains cayenneLPP code.

i m using the code in the en.i-cube-lrwan package.

can you share the link to package.

i cant view the package. can you share it with me?
Also, the code you share only contains cayenne class. Can you share your entire code.